Life Under COVID-19 Lockdown: Pros and Cons


Many things are different because of COVID-19. The biggest thing is that we are not going to school. There are some things I don’t like about not going to school, like that I’m missing my friends who I can’t see or hang out with anymore. I am really bored at home because my siblings are not the same age as me.  

Also, at school at least everything is on schedule, but when doing the work at home it’s hard to focus on getting everything done. For example, when my sister is watching a movie it’s hard to not go over there and watch it with her, even if I don’t like the movie (which I usually don’t). I think this is the first time that I wish I was on a schedule because I can’t seem to put my mind to the work. I also hate not being able to play on my hockey and baseball teams because they are my favorite sports.  

I think this is the first time that I wish I was on a schedule because I can’t seem to put my mind to the work.

There are many good things about not going to school too, like not being at the risk of dying of stress during the very long tests. It is also a lot better being at home because at school for lunch I just eat sunflower seeds and crackers which, don’t get me wrong, is awesome, but I still feel hungry afterwards. At home at least I’m not hungry when I’m done with a meal. Another good thing about eating at home is that we always have enough food. But at many homes you could run out of food and during COVID-19, it’s hard to get the food you need because all the stores are running out of it.