Opinion: Bad Internet Can Hurt Your Grades
School is a great thing, but many people have WiFi problems!!! Which has made their grades drop. One WiFi problem is that they can’t get to in the class meeting. When that happens, they can miss an entire day of school. Another problem is that their camera or the mic won’t turn on. Then the teacher thinks they are not even there and the teacher kicks them, out which is bad. Also, people can freeze in a bad position, like if they were laying down. Then they will get removed from class, which could be bad.
WiFi is a powerful tool. But sometimes it acts like a child. If Covid has taught us anything, it is that WiFi and the internet matters because everything happens through that now. Imagine life without internet. What would we do? Playing outside or going to school in person is what most people would think.
If Covid has taught us anything, it is that WiFi and the internet matters because everything happens through that now.
But we have to worry about Covid. It is like aliens coming to Earth and taking over. We wouldn’t want that to happen, so people stay inside and have WiFi and internet. WiFi is huge, but it has problems like everything does. This is why life isn’t as easy as pie. It’s more like saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 10 times.