TIPS: How to Ace Online Learning (Even When Video Games Beckon)

Hello! How are you doing today? As you have noticed we’re stuck going to school virtually! For many people this is hard, but I actually like our online learning. I can get my work done and have a good grade to show for it. Here are some tips I’ve figured out:

Homework log. Ok, ok, I know. You may have tried this once and it just wasn’t your style. Same here, but I started to notice that I kept forgetting my assignments. A homework log helps keep me organized. All I did was open a new google sheet, and put the date as well as my schedule. Simple right?

The hardest part is making sure you keep up with it. One trick that I use is to pin the tab. (Right click on the tab and choose the option “pin tab.”) This is a gentle reminder for me to make sure I don’t forget.

Get it done. This is one of the biggest tips I give my friends. Whenever you get homework or an assignment, even if it’s due tomorrow or in a week, try to gradually work on it. Even better, work on it and finish it the same day. This helps because 1) you won’t be as stressed, 2) you can have more time the next day, and 3) you can work to make sure it is the best it can be. Ever since I have stopped procrastinating, I found myself being less stressed.

Ever since I have stopped procrastinating, I found myself being less stressed.

As an 8th grader, I got a big essay assignment. I had to create a 750-word Character Profile essay in one month. Instead of waiting until the last minute, I worked on it almost every night. I wrote and I wrote, and then I edited. I took a day or three for each step. In the end, I felt very proud of my work knowing that I put in the best possible essay that I could create, and the teacher knew it as well.

No games in class. This might be the one thing I struggle with the most. Now, most of you guys reading this probably have your favorite video games. I know mine is Among Us, but to pay attention we must turn off our games/apps. Every once in a while, I’ll get an urge to play a quick game of Among Us, but you have to resist that.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all here for you listening to an instrumental playlist to focus. I do it all the time, and my friends do, too. But, scrolling through YouTube to get the drama on the latest TikTok couple could happen after class.

If you are having trouble with a math problem or have a hard time paying attention to what you’re reading, taking a break for 5-30 minutes.

Take a break/talk to friends. I know that I just said that you shouldn’t play games. But if you are having trouble with a math problem or have a hard time paying attention to what you’re reading, taking a break for 5-30 minutes. My version of a break is a Zoom call with my friend, and/or a ballet class. These both help me take my mind off of work and come back fresh.

Almost every day I see a link in my email from my best friend for a Zoom call. Calling or texting a friend can help relieve stress and put a smile on your face. Taking time to step back from an assignment is very important. Making sure your mental health is at a good position can be a key step in being a star student.