Kids Understand More Than You Think

I have been spending my time by playing outside, doing sports, watching tv, playing video games, baking banana bread, and reading funny books. Even though it is spring time I have been playing in the snow. It has been snowing a lot since I came to Iceland.
On March 13, 2020, I left the U.S. with my grandparents not knowing when I could return. My parents left a few days later with my little sister. We didn’t have health insurance. In Iceland everyone can go to the hospital. From the day you are born till the day you die. Literally both days included.
On March 13, 2020, I left the U.S. with my grandparents not knowing when I could return.
My mom is giving me so much homework. Even more than Mrs. Caso. But I miss my classmates and my teachers. If I could meet myself last January I would say stay inside, wash your hands and be careful. Grownups should know that kids understand a lot more than you think. Sometimes I don’t feel so good. I’m worried that someone in my family will be sick or die because of COVID 19. But I appreciate that people are more caring about each other. Stay safe.