Opinion: More Focus is Needed on Asian-American Bias

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Asian-Americans have faced discrimination, both directly and indirectly. In part, this is because some Americans wrongly believe the spread of the virus is the fault of Asian peoples. But it really wasn’t. With people thinking Asian-Americans created and spread COVID, some now believe hatred and crime against them is justified. According to the NY Times, there have been around 300,800 hate crimes towards Asian-Americans just this past year.

Though conversations about this worrying trend are important, they have been missing from most schools, buried by everything else that has gone over the past year. Schools should talk more about this, because of how important it is. This is especially true for classes that include Asian-American classmates.

Though conversations about this worrying trend are important, they have been missing from most schools, buried by everything else that has gone over the past year.

Violence against Asian-Americans has become more obvious in recent weeks. In March, six Asian-American women were shot and killed by a gunman. It is wrong that some people suggested excusing him on the grounds that he was “having a bad day.” The gunman has been charged with murder.

Even though racism against Asian-Americans has existed for longer than the pandemic, people are just now talking about it. Most people have noticed it on social media platforms like TikTok where this news can spread. It’s important that the public knows that their neighbors are being attacked for their ethnicity — because that is messed up.