Opinion: After Covid, Hope is Next

Have you heard about Covid-19 or the vaccine for it? In the past year, Covid-19 has been a big threat to all kinds of people, whether old or young. Right now, in 2021, the threat of Covid-19 is still really big but the vaccines are being released, meaning that it’s going to stop soon.

That is great because about 3 million people worldwide have died from Covid-19. There have been about 138 million cases of Covid-19 and about 80 million people have recovered.

Right now, in 2021, the threat of Covid-19 is still really big but the vaccines are being released, meaning that it’s going to stop soon.

When Covid-19 started, it was such a surprise. No one was prepared for it. It first started in China and people blamed China for the start of Covid-19, which is not cool. When it started in China, it started to spread fast, and I mean really fast. It was so fast that all the continents saw cases of Covid-19 and it was soon a worldwide virus causing panic and all sorts of questions.

Finally, the vaccine is helping Covid-19 end. Hopefully it will stop successfully and there won’t be that much of a bad side effect of the vaccine.