It’s A Covid Christmas. But We Still Have Music and Joy!

Hello! Do you celebrate the holidays? Well if you do, have you seen the NEW HAVEN CHRISTMAS TREE?! It is 70 feet tall and 20 THOUSAND pounds! It’s crazy! My family only gets a 10-ft tree.

We celebrate Christmas because Jesus was born and there was JOY! In our family we say “JOY is about love and having family together.” Maybe that was touching?

Today my family is taking me to the Christmas lights in Wallingford so I’m excited! But now people can’t gather because of Covid-19.  It’s super sad. I feel like it’s sad because a lot of families can’t see each other and then their Christmas can be a little weird because you can’t see family for 2020 Christmas.

For example, I can’t go places because my parents can’t get sick because of my mom’s lung. It’s hard because I love my parents and I don’t want them to get sick! So, I don’t wanna risk it. Does your family care about Covid-19 and what do you do with your family?

Santa needs to spray himself with Lysol and then he needs to spray the presents, too.

For Christmas, ALL THE KIDS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SANTA CLAUS!!! How is he going to go in your house? He needs to spray himself with Lysol and then he needs to spray the presents, too. Don’t you think Covid is going to be a little weird for Santa?

Do you watch Christmas movies with your family? I know I do because I feel like even though this year has been the worst for people, we still have Joy inside of us. JOY= HAPPINESS. Many days, my family BLASTS CHRISTMAS SONGS!!!  I was LAUGHING because none of my family can’t sing but my mom, my sister and I kinda take voice lessons. But I love hanging out with my family. My family have a family tradition of watching movies and making cookies. Hope you like reading this!!!