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East Rock Community & Cultural Studies Magnet School Student News Site

The East Rock Record

East Rock Community & Cultural Studies Magnet School Student News Site

The East Rock Record

East Rock Community & Cultural Studies Magnet School Student News Site

The East Rock Record

Yash Roy

Yash Roy, Yale Student Mentor

Yash Roy is a senior at Yale, studying Global Affairs and Data Science. Originally from Chicago and New Jersey, Yash has spent his time at Yale as a student journalist, reporting and editing for the Yale Daily News. At the YDN, he covered City Hall & state politics. He has also reported for the New Haven Independent, the Connecticut Mirror and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. At the Journal Sentinel, he led an investigation into two apartment complexes where greedy developers and complacent government officials allowed more than 500 Milwaukeeans to be exposed to a dangerous carcinogen—that series was named a national Society of Professional Journalists finalist. He is currently reporting for The Hill, where he is a campaign and breaking reporter, focusing on younger voters, immigrant communities, and the uncommitted movement. He also writes a weekly newsletter for The Juggernaut, a New York-based magazine that tells stories about South Asia and its diaspora.

All content by Yash Roy