Football is action-packed and exciting. The players weigh like five billion pounds, and they’re constantly tackling each other. Soccer is so easy and boring that I’d fall asleep watching it. There’s no action whatsoever, which is why soccer players don’t need all the gear that football players need. When another player barely touches them by accident, they’re so sensitive that they’ll fall down and make a big deal out of nothing. Unlike football players, who are strong and brave enough to get back up after tackles, soccer players just lie around and cry all day.
There’s no better way to unwind after a long day than watching a football game with friends. Football brings people together and fosters friendly rivalry and community. Even my grandpa loves football and has his own fantasy football team. When I go to football watching parties, sometimes there are up to a hundred people talking and eating good food while watching an exciting game. Some people might say that football is difficult to watch, but you just have to watch the ball carefully. And once you get used to it, football has so much to enjoy. —Van Smith
The Super Bowl is coming up, and I discourage anyone from watching this boring event. Football is not fun to play or watch, especially when you compare it to real football, which Americans call “soccer.” Soccer is a much more accessible sport than football. American football is only played and watched in one country, while soccer has worldwide appeal. Soccer has teams and leagues in almost every country on Earth, so it is easier for people to be introduced to the game, making them more active and allowing them to make new friends.
Soccer is also much easier to learn than football. The rules are simpler, and the game is more fast paced, while football stops after each play. Not only is it easier to learn, but soccer players don’t need all the padding and gear that football players need. This means that more people have the option to play soccer. It is also easier to have a pickup game at a park or recess, making it better at fostering community. Lastly, soccer is better at incorporating people of all genders. Women’s soccer teams like the United States and Japan are world-renowned, but women have been historically excluded from playing American football. I have not heard of any famous women’s football teams or leagues.
Soccer is far safer better than American football. Soccer teams are more conscious about their injured players. At the soccer game I attended in Japan, I saw them regularly substitute players who were injured or tired. Although football players are also substituted when they are injured, a lot more football players get injured in the short and long term. So, if you are planning to watch the Super Bowl this month, I urge you to reconsider. Your attention will be dominated by companies trying to advertise to you. Turn on a soccer game instead.—Ouji Dubee