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SWEET TOOTH TALLY: Here Are the Candies You Love, Ranked by Haven Pickett!!
- Sour Patch Kids – Slightly sour chewy and sweet
- Warheads
- Sour Gummy Worms
- Skittles
- Jolly Ranchers
- Haribo
- Dubba Bubba
- Tootsie Pops – Lollipop+Tootsie=Good
- Dum Dums
- Airheads
- Twix
- Hundred Grand – Twix ripoff, but still good
- Candy Corn – Underated
- Starbursts Hershey’s – Regular chocolate
- M&Ms
- Hershey’s – It’s regular chocolate
- Dots
- Airheads
- Fruit Chews
- Whoppers
- 3 Musketeers
- Kit Kats
- Laffy Taffy – Who likes sticky candy that tastes like oil?